Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Before I Die or Another Story Where the Hero Dies

Before I Die, by Jenny Downham
I can't say that the genre of books where the main character dies has ever had huge appeal for me. I think it's nice to end a book on a more hopeful looking to the future note. In fact, funny books are really my favorite. But that didn't stop me from enjoying Before I Die. The story begins with Tessa knowing her leukemia has reached the point where her death will be sooner rather than later and so she starts making a list of the things she wants to do before she dies. Her list is not for the faint of heart and includes having sex, breaking the law and spending the day answering every question, "Yes!" She is not an especially likeable character at the beginning of the story but even in the face of death, she grows as a person. A beautiful book whose characters will continue to live in your heart.

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